Fulfillment Innovation Beyond Robotics (Hint: Sustainability)

Fulfillment Innovation Beyond Robotics (Hint: Sustainability)

Innovation does not necessarily need to be the technology itself, whether that’s software or hardware. Humans can still innovate, and the logistics industry is a space that puts on spotlight on (spoiler alert: overused buzzword incoming…) ‘reimagining’ existing utilities for DTC merchants. 

It may be in how a 3PL uses technology or physical pick/pack tools to streamline its operations and provide a better service to its clients. 

As the market continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more atypical innovation from 3PLs. So if you’re looking for holistic innovation that combines both technology and operators alike, keep an eye on the 3PL industry.

The ecommerce fulfillment center is an important part of the modern supply chain. 

By consolidating orders and making use of automation, fulfillment centers have made it possible to get products to customers quickly and efficiently. However, fulfillment centers are also large consumers of energy and resources. As the ecommerce industry continues to grow, there is a need for fulfillment centers that are more sustainable. One way to make fulfillment centers more sustainable is to use robotics. Robotics can help to reduce the amount of energy used in the fulfillment process, as well as the amount of packaging material required. In addition, robotics can also help to reduce the amount of time required to fulfill an order. As a result, fulfillment centers that make use of robotics can be more efficient and more sustainable (HAI ROBOTICS)

One of the most exciting recent developments in warehouse robotics is the increasing use of collaborative robots, or “cobots.” 

Cobots are designed to work alongside human workers, assisting them with tasks such as lifting and moving heavy objects. By working together, humans and cobots can greatly increase the efficiency of warehouse operations. Additionally, cobots can help to improve safety by performing hazardous tasks that would otherwise be too dangerous for humans. As warehouse robotics continue to evolve, it is likely that cobots will play an increasingly important role in warehouse operations.

Eco-friendly packaging

Is a fulfillment innovation that is becoming increasingly popular with businesses and consumers alike. There are many benefits to using eco-friendly packaging, including reducing waste, protecting the environment, and saving money. Eco-friendly packaging is made from sustainable materials that can be reused or recycled. This means that it has a lower environmental impact than traditional packaging made from virgin materials. Additionally, eco-friendly packaging often uses less energy and water to produce, further reducing its impact on the environment. And because it is made from sustainable materials, eco-friendly packaging can often be reused or recycled, further reducing waste. Many businesses are choosing to switch to eco-friendly packaging in order to reduce their environmental impact and save money. Consumers are also increasingly interested in buying products that come in eco-friendly packaging. So switching to eco-friendly packaging is a win-win for businesses and consumers alike.

Reducing your company’s carbon footprint can be good for the environment and your bottom line. 

fulfillment innovation is a key part of that effort. There are a lot of ways to gather data on your company’s carbon footprint, but DTC merchants have an advantage. By understanding where your product fulfillment operations create greenhouse gas emissions, you can take steps to reduce them. That might mean investing in new technologies or processes, or simply making some operational changes. Either way, you can meaningfully reduce your company’s impact on the environment – and set yourself up for long-term success.

About Manifest [Sustainable Ecommerce Fulfillment] 

Manifest provides sustainable ecommerce fulfillment. Oversized 3PL models produce too much waste and resort to cutbacks on the client experience. The Manifest 3PL solution illustrates the future of fulfillment by providing sustainable packaging and clear data to teach DTC merchants more about their carbon footprint. 

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