Top 3 Sustainability Metrics for DTC Merchants

Top 3 Sustainability Metrics for DTC Merchants

As sustainable packaging becomes more and more important to consumers, it’s also becoming a top priority for merchants. 

After all, sustainable packaging not only reduces environmental impact, but it can also save on costs and improve customer satisfaction. To help merchants choose the right sustainability metrics for their business, here are three that we believe match the ethos of many DTC merchants going into 2023:

1. Recyclability: One of the most important sustainable packaging metrics is recyclability. This metric measures how easily a material can be recycled, and it’s a key factor in determining the environmental impact of packaging. When choosing sustainable packaging materials, look for materials that can be easily recycled or reused (Sustainable Packaging Coalition).

2. Renewability: Another important sustainable packaging metric is renewability. This metric measures how quickly a material can be replenished, and it’s a key factor in determining the environmental impact of packaging. When choosing sustainable packaging materials, look for materials that are made from renewable resources or can be easily renewed.

3. Compostability: The final important sustainable packaging metric is compostability. This metric measures how easily a material can be broken down into compost, and it’s a key factor in determining the environmental impact of packaging. When choosing sustainable packaging materials, look for materials that are certified compostable or biodegradable (University of Wisconsin).

As sustainable ecommerce becomes increasingly important, more and more merchants are looking for ways to measure their sustainability.

There are a number of different metrics that can be used to evaluate sustainability, but some are more relevant than others for direct-to-consumer (DTC) merchants. Here are three of the most important sustainability metrics for DTC businesses:

1. Packaging waste: One of the biggest challenges for sustainable ecommerce is packaging waste. DTC businesses need to be aware of the amount of packaging they use, as well as the materials they use. Ideally, packaging should be made from recycled or sustainable materials, and it should be easy for customers to recycle or compost.

2. Shipping emissions: Another important metric for sustainable ecommerce is shipping emissions. This includes emissions from both transportation and packaging. DTC businesses need to consider the carbon footprint of their shipping methods and make efforts to reduce emissions where possible.

3. Energy consumption: finally, energy consumption is another key metric for sustainable ecommerce. DTC businesses need to consider the energy consumption of their operations, as well as the emissions associated with their energy sources. Renewable energy is preferable, but even making small reductions in energy consumption can have a big impact on a business’s sustainability.

About Manifest [Sustainable Ecommerce Fulfillment] 

Manifest provides sustainable ecommerce fulfillment. Oversized 3PL models produce too much waste and resort to cutbacks on the client experience. The Manifest 3PL solution illustrates the future of fulfillment by providing sustainable packaging and clear data to teach DTC merchants more about their carbon footprint. 

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