11 Page Market Analysis On Sustainable Commerce (No Download Required)

11 Page Market Analysis On Sustainable Commerce (No Download Required)

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“Metrics That Count: Which is more important: Sustainability or CX? Presented by Manifest. Co-authored by George Wojciechowski, Peter Hillowe. Contributing data from Definite Articles, PiperWai, SUAVS, Thousand Fell, TopFoxx, Wipeco, and one of our partners: EcoCart.

Read on for a primer:

Sustainable commerce is the selling of goods and services in a sustainable way. 

This means that sustainable commerce businesses take into account the environmental and social impacts of their products and packaging, and work to minimize these impacts. Many sustainable commerce businesses use sustainable packaging, which is packaging that is made from sustainable materials and can be recycled or composted. Sustainable packaging is often made from recycled materials, such as paper or cardboard. sustainable commerce businesses also often use sustainable shipping methods, such as using recycled materials for packing material, or using shipping methods that emit less carbon dioxide.

Warehouse Sustainability Ideas

As the warehouse is the backbone of the ecommerce supply chain, it behooves warehouse operators to consider how they might make their facilities more sustainable. And, as sustainability gains more traction in society at large, customers are beginning to demand that the businesses they patronize adopt sustainable practices. So, what warehouse sustainability ideas are worth considering?

LED warehouse lighting is one option. LED lights use less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and generate less heat, which can help to reduce a warehouse’s overall energy consumption. Additionally, LED lights often have a longer lifespan than other types of bulbs, meaning they need to be replaced less frequently – further reducing your carbon footprint.

Another way to make your warehouse more sustainable is to invest in solar panels. Solar panels can help offset some of the warehouse’s energy needs by generating renewable electricity. In some cases, solar panels can even be used to power the warehouse entirely. Not only is this good for the environment, but it can also save money on energy costs in the long run.

Finally, consider using recycled or recyclable materials in your warehouse operations. Recycled materials use less energy and water to produce than virgin materials, and they generate fewer greenhouse gases. And, when it comes time to dispose of them, recyclable materials can be sent to a recycling facility instead of ending up in a landfill.

All of these warehouse sustainability ideas can help reduce your carbon footprint and make your business more environmentally friendly – something that’s sure to please customers who are increasingly interested in sustainable commerce.

About Manifest [Sustainable Ecommerce Fulfillment] 

Manifest provides sustainable ecommerce fulfillment. Oversized 3PL models produce too much waste and resort to cutbacks on the client experience. The Manifest 3PL solution illustrates the future of fulfillment by providing sustainable packaging and clear data to teach DTC merchants more about their carbon footprint. 

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